Rise and Shine Campers!! Welcome to Campada!!
Campada is a sleep-away camp where you can take a break from your busy and time-consuming lives and escape into the great outdoors!
Camp has a unique daily activities, as well as opprotunities to earn a Pro-Camper badge, and find your inner camper!
Camp will run from Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning, so you will be spending (text-color:red)[3] days in the sun with us!
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Traditional]] ]Camp will be in the (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] unit, and your counselors will be (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] and (text-color:blue)[Poppy].
(text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] has wooden a-frame, platform cabins that have window openings that clasp shut on the inside of the cabin. Make sure anything you put under your bed doesn't hit them so critters don't get into your cabins at night
(text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] is tucked into the woods, so it's best to have a buddy with you at night
You get handed a map of the camp with the path to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] highlighted.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Trailblazer]] ]"There's four big rules to remember at camp," (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says.
1. No running - except at the Sports Field
2. Use the truddy system - travel in groups of 3
3. Always carry your waterbottle, sunscreen, and bugspray in your backpack
4. No food in your cabins - Put any food in the unit shelter at night
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Schedule|Schedule.1]] ]
<hr>(text-color:white)+(text-size:.75)[Emily Krawczyk]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Start]] ]You follow the map to the Trailblazer unit, and meet your counselors (text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin].
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] tells you that you'll be in Cabin #2 with 3 other campers, and to come back to the unit shelter once you've settled in.
You head over to your cabin and see that all your cabin-mates are already moving in. As you make conversation, you learn that all of them have been here before, and even already have camp names picked out.
There are two beds on each side of the cabin, and you now know that you share side with (text-color:orange)[Cat], while (text-color:orange)[Stormy] and (text-color:orange)[Moon] share the other.
As you finish setting up your bed, setting aside your daily use items, and stowing your duffle bag under the bed, you and your cabin-mates walk out to the unit shelter to meet (text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[To the unit shelter]] ]"Okay, friends" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says once you all sit down at a picnc table under the unit shelter,"time to pick your camp names! Once you've decided what it'll be, you can make yourself a nametag for this week!"
My name is... (input: bind $name)
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next]] ]"(text-color:orange)[$name]... I love it!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says.
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] asks (text-color:orange)[Cat], (text-color:orange)[Stormy], and (text-color:orange)[Moon] their camp names, and everyone begins to design their nametags.
"It's great to offically meet everyone!" (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says, "Lets go over some quick ground rules and today's schedule!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Ground Rules|Ground rules.1]] ]
"(text-color:blue)[And here's today's schedule]."
<hr>''1:30'' - Tour de Camp
''3:30'' - Swim Tests
''5:30'' - Singing Steps
''6:00'' - Dinner
''7:00'' - Opening Night
''9:00'' - Campfire
''10:00'' - Lights Out
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Back|Next.1]] ]After (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] finishs explaining the schedule and the basic rules of camp, they check their watch.
"Alrighty friends, it's ''1:20'' right now, which means we have 10 minutes before we start the Tour de Camp. Double check your backpacks and make sure you have everything you'll need for the day! We have swim testing so you'll need your swimsuits and towels, and of course you'll all need your waterbottle, sunscreen, and bugspray! We won't be coming back to the unit until bedtime, so be sure you have everything!"
You check your backpack and see a full water bottle and your brand new bottles of bug spray andd sunscreen that your mom packed for you.
You don't have your swimsuit or towel though so you run back to your cabin with (text-color:orange)[Cat] who needs her bugspray.
The two of you quickly return, and soon you are all off for the Tour de Camp!
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Start the Tour]] ]Your counselors ask you to get in a buddy line, so you end up walking the tour next to (text-color:orange)[Stormy].
You exit the (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] unit and your path meets up with the paved road through camp. As you walk the road, you pass signposts that indicate what you're passing.
"(text-color:yellow)[Pathfinder]"... "(text-color:yellow)[Bau House]"... "(text-color:yellow)[Showerhouse]"
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] finally comes to a stop at a big central building. "This is the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge]. This is where we'll have all our meals, unless we have cookout!"
To the left of the lodge was an ampitheatre of sorts made of wooden benches. "Before we go inside to eat, all of camp meets up at (text-color:yellow)[Singing Steps]."(text-color:blue)[Poppy] says.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.2]] ]
Your counselors lead you between (text-color:yellow)[Singing Steps] and the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] down a path covered in woodchips. Another signpost says you're heading towards the (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront], (text-color:yellow)[Walden], and (text-color:yellow)[Frontier].
At the end of the trail, a long, gravel covered staircase leads down the hill and turns out of your vision. (text-color:blue)[Poppy] stops at the top of the steps and turns to your unit. "See if you can count how many steps there are!" they challenge.
You try to carefully count the steps as you walk down.
//25... 26... 27... //
The steps blur together a little beneath your feet.
//42... 43... wait, or was that 44?//
By the time you reach the bottom, you're still unsure if there were 68, 69, or 70 steps, and you're still deciding by the time (text-color:blue)[Poppy] asks for everyone's counts.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[68|wrong]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[69|right]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[70|wrong]] ]"Ooo so close!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says, "it was 69 steps!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[womp womp :(|Next.3]] ]"Right on the money!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says. "There are 69 steps down to the (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront], please don't run up or down them."
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Good guess!|Next.3]] ]As you walk around the paved circular path that connects the (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront] to (text-color:yellow)[Walden] and (text-color:yellow)[Frontier], you see it leads up a steep hill that returns to the (text-color:yellow)[Welcome Center] where you first came in.
The (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront] has a variety of watercraft organized around it. Paddleboards, canoes, and some odd yellow looking boats.
"What are those boats?" you ask (text-color:orange)[Stormy].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [["Those are funyaks."]] ]
"They're a fun-sized kayak!" someone replies.
You turn around to see where the response came from and a person in a red swimsuit and white bucket hat walks up to your unit.
"Hi friends, welcome to camp! I'm (text-color:blue)[Gerald] the Waterfront Director!"
(text-color:blue)[Gerald] explains the waterfront rules quickly and then tells us all to go change into our swimsuits in the (text-color:yellow)[changing room]. The (text-color:yellow)[changing room] has stalls for privacy, but the floor is still covered in sand so you try and change as quickly and efficiently as you can.
When you've finished, you return to your counselors.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.4]] ]"Alright," (text-color:blue)[Gerald] starts, "welcome to the waterfront! Today we'll be doing our swim tests, so when you guys come down here for Swim Party or when you have swimming during this week, you'll know where you can swim! There are 3 swim tests you can take - shallow, middle, and deep. Before I explain them, everyone take a big deep breath for me."
You close your eyes and allow yourself a moment of zen as you take your deep breath as instructed.
"Awesome, you all just passed the shallow test." (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says with a smile. "If you just wanted to hang out in the shallow end this week, congrats, all you have to do is be here at camp!"
You see (text-color:orange)[Cat] sigh with relief. You can't help but wonder if she isn't fond of the water like her name would suggest.
"There //are// tests for the middle and deep sections though." (text-color:blue)[Gerald] begins.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Swim Tests]] ]"For the ''middle'' test, you need to tred water for (text-color:red)[10] seconds then swim (text-color:red)[3] lengths of the pier"
"For the ''deep'' test, you need to tred water for (text-color:red)[30] seconds, and swim (Text-color:red)[5] lengths of the pier."
"There's a box of sand toys available for y'all in the ''shallow'', the ''middle'' section is the perfect depth for water games like Marco Polo or Sharks and Minnows, and the ''deep'' section has a raft in it!"
"It's totally optional to take a swim test and you can tap out whenever you want to, if you want to," (text-color:blue)[Gerald] explains. "There's absolutely no shame in the shallow game, either, so if you don't want to take another test, there's no need!"
"Today is your ''only'' day to swim test for the whole week, so keep that in mind when you make your choice!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] adds.
You take a moment to consider your options...
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stay in shallow]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Take middle test]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Take deep test]] ]
"No worries (text-color:orange)[$name]," (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says as they write something down on their clipboard. (set: $swim to 1)
"We'll mark you down as ''shallow'' on our roster!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Awesome]] ]"Alrighty friends. We're going to take the ''middle'' test in the ''middle'' section so once everyone's in the water we'll begin the (text-color:red)[10] seconds of treading.
Remember, you can tap out at any time!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Get in]] ]"Alrighty friends. We're going to take the ''deep'' test in the ''deep'' section." (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says as we walk down the pier.
"Since the water's even above //my// head, you guys can hold onto the pier until everyone gets in the water. Once everyone's in, we'll begin the (text-color:red)[30] seconds of treading.
Remember, you can tap out at any time!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Get in|Get in.1]] ]After everyone is done taking their swim tests, (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] tells you to go get changed back into your dry clothes so we can make it up to (text-color:yellow)[Singing Steps] on time.
The sandy floor is once again a motivation to change quickly, but you can't help but cringe at the grains between your toes when you put your socks and shoes back on.
After everyone is finished, your unit heads up to (text-color:yellow)[Singing Steps].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Singing Steps]] ]"Begin!"
(live: 1s)[1] (live: 2s)[2] (live: 3s)[3] (live: 4s)[4] (live: 5s)[5] (live: 6s)[6] (live: 7s)[7] (live: 8s)[8] (live: 9s)[9] (text-color:red)+(live: 10s)[10](live:10s)[!]
(live:11s)["Good job, friends!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says. "Now onto the (text-color:red)[3] laps!"]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]
(live:12s)[(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Laps]] ]]"That's okay (text-color:orange)[$name], the tests can be long and chellenging" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says. (set: $swim to "shallow")
They walk over to their clipboard and make some notes.
"We'll be marking you down for $swim this week."
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Okay|Awesome]] ]You finish the first lap.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lap 2]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]"Begin!"
(live: 1s)[1] (live: 2s)[2] (live: 3s)[3] (live: 4s)[4] (live: 5s)[5] (live: 6s)[6] (live: 7s)[7] (live: 8s)[8] (live: 9s)[9] (live: 10s)[10]
(live: 11s)[11] (live: 12s)[12] (live: 13s)[13] (live: 14s)[14] (live: 15s)[15] (live: 16s)[16] (live: 17s)[17] (live: 18s)[18] (live: 19s)[19] (live: 20s)[20]
(live: 21s)[21] (live: 22s)[22] (live: 23s)[23] (live: 24s)[24] (live: 25s)[25] (live: 26s)[26] (live: 27s)[27] (live: 28s)[28] (live: 29s)[29] (text-color:red)+(live: 30s)[30](live:30s)[!]
(live:31s)["Good job, friends!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says. "Now onto the (text-color:red)[5] laps!"]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]
(live:32s)[(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Laps.1]] ]]You finish the second lap.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lap 3]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]You finish the third and final lap, slightly out of breath. (set: $swim to 2)
"Nice job!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says. "We'll mark you down as ''middle'' in our rosters!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Awesome]] ]You finish the first lap.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lap 2|Lap.2]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]You finish the second lap.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lap 3|Lap.3]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]You finish the third lap, slightly out of breath.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Take a breather]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep going]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]You cling to the side of the pier and take some deep breaths.
"Hey friend," (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says, "If you're too tired to finish the laps for the ''deep'' test, you've done enough to pass for the ''middle'' test. You could stop right now if you'd like to switch to the ''middle''."
You're conflicted now. Should you continue with the ''deep'' test, switch to the ''middle'' section, or choose to stay in the ''shallow'' section?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Continue with the deep test|Keep going]] ]
(text-color:#158315)[ [[Switch to middle section]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stay in shallow|stay in shallow]] ]You only have (text-color:red)[2] laps left, so you push through.
You finish the fourth lap.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[[[Lap 5|Lap.5]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Tap out]] ]"Great effort for the deep test, (text-color:orange)[$name]!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says. (set: $swim to "middle")"It can be a little rough if you're not used to swimming laps, though. We'll mark you down for $swim in our rosters!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Awesome]] ]"That's okay (text-color:orange)[$name]. No shame in the shallow game!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says. (set: $swim to "shallow")
They walk over to their clipboard and make some notes.
"We'll mark you down for $swim this week."
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Okay|Awesome]] ]You finish the fifth and final lap, completely out of breath. (set: $swim to 3)
"Amazing job (text-color:orange)[$name]!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says, giving you a high five and a wide smile. "We'll mark you down as ''deep'' in our rosters!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Awesome]] ]At (text-color:yellow)[Singing Steps], you and (text-color:orange)[Moon] sit together on a bench, and join in the rest of camp while they sing a song.
(live:3s)[//The Princess Pat//]
(live:4s)[//Lived in a tree//.]
(live:5s)[//She sailed across//]
(live:6s)[//the seven seas.//]
(live:7s)[//She sailed across//]
(live:8s)[//the channel too,//]
(live:9s)[//and she brought with her//]
(live:10s)[//a Rick-a-bam-boo.//]
Once the songs are all finished, there's a ringing of a bell, and all of camp goes into the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] for dinner.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Eat Dinner]] ]After dinner, you and your counselors gather you all up in the big open room inside the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge].
"Okay friends, it's time for opening night!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] explains.
For opening night, each unit has to explain a rule from the four ground rules explained earlier. Your unit was assigned rule ''#4 - No food in your cabins''.
To demonstrate this rule, (text-color:orange)[Cat] insists on playing the wild animal that got into the cabin, and even snarls to show you how good she would be at it.
You look over at (text-color:orange)[Moon] who looks just as surprised as you, and you all decide to go along with (text-color:orange)[Cat's] plan.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lights, Camera, ACTION!]] ]When (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] is called up to the "stage", you, (text-color:orange)[Stormy], and (text-color:orange)[Moon] all pretend to be snacking in your cabin.
"it's getting late, we should go to sleep" you say.
"I agree," says (text-color:orange)[Stormy], "let's go to sleep right now before we put our snacks away. It'll be okay."
Seconds later, the three of you are pretending to be sound asleep while (text-color:orange)[Cat] crawls out around a tree and acts like a raccoon rummaging for your food.
The three of you wake up, scream, and run "off-stage".
"Story of the Moral," (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says to the rest of camp after your scene is over, "please put any food you may have in your backpacks in the unit shelters at night! We're in the woods, so there are critters, ad we'd rather not invite them into the cabins! If you're unsure if it should stay in your backpack or not, ask your counselors!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.5]] ]
You and your unit watch the rest of the rules get acted out, and even though you were uncertain about (text-color:orange)[Cat's] enthusiasm to be a raccoon, you think yours was the best.
Once all the units, lifeguards, leads, and admin team members finish their scenes, opening night is over and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] and (text-color:blue)[Poppy] lead you all back to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] for the evening.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.6]] ]Once back at (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer], you hang up your wet clothes and get your pajamas on.
"We'll be having a campfire tonight, so come back out to the fire-pit once you all are done getting changed!" (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says.
The bathrooms are a little scary since they're pit-toilets with no lights inside the stalls, but you tell yourself "//it could be worse//" and quickly finish your buisness.
Back at the fire-pit, your counselors have prepared all the fixings for s'mores.
"Do you want a s'more (text-color:orange)[$name]?" they ask.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Yes!]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[No thanks]] ]You eagerly roast your marshmallow exactly how you like it, and after the first, gooey bite of your treat, you're so happy you made this decision.
After s'mores have been eaten, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] asks the group how they're feeling about the rest of the week.
You end up going last, and by the time (text-color:blue)[Poppy] gets to you, you're still deciding how you feel...
I'm feeling...
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Excited]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Nervous]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[I don't know]] ]You decline the offer and wait for your fellow campers to make theirs.
(text-color:orange)[Cat] asks if she can have the one you didn't eat, and you shug your shoulders. It's not like you wanted it anyway, so you don't mind who has it.
After s'mores have been eaten, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] asks the group how they're feeling about the day and the rest of the week.
You end up going last, and by the time (text-color:blue)[Poppy] gets to you, you're still deciding how you feel...
I'm feeling...
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Excited]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Nervous]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[I don't know]] ]"I'm excited," you say.
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] smiles. "That's awesome to hear, (text-color:orange)[$name]! I hope this week lives up to your expectations!"
"If you ever need to talk to someone and you don't know if (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] or I could help, you let us know and we can talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws] about it further, okay?"
You learned at Opening Night that (text-color:blue)[Jaws] was the mental, emotional, social health (MESH) specialist on camp. If you ever had a problem you don't think your counselors can solve or help with, she encouraged campers to come talk to her.
"I'll keep that in mind," you say.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.7]] ]"I'm a little nervous," you say.
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] cocks their head, and furrows their brow. "I'm sorry to hear that, (text-color:orange)[$name]. Is there anything specific making you nervous?"
You weren't expectng follow-up questions, so you take a moment to consider (text-color:blue)[Poppy's] prompt.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[You've never been here before]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[You miss your friends]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[You're not sure why]] ]"I don't really know," you reply.
There's been a lot about today that's been new so it's a lot to get used to.
"That's alright, (text-color:orange)[$name]," (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says with a gentle grin. "If you need to chat about how you're feeling though, let me know tomorrow after a good-night's sleep and if we need to talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws] about it further, we can!"
You learned at Opening Night that (text-color:blue)[Jaws] was the mental, emotional, social health (MESH) specialist on camp. If you ever had a problem you don't think your counselors can solve or help with, she encouraged campers to come talk to her.
"I'll keep that in mind," you say.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.7]] ]
After everyone's said their piece and the camp-fire debrief is over, your counselors have you all brush your teeth and get ready for bed.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Goodnight Camp]] ]"It's a lot of change in one day. There's a lot of new people and a whole new camp for you to get to know, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to get it all figured out right now! We'll be doing a lot of activities to get you used to camp life, so fear not (text-color:orange)[$name], I'm sure the week will improve!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] proclaims.
"But, you let me know tomorrow how you're feeling and if we need to talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws] about it further, okay?"
You learned at Opening Night that (text-color:blue)[Jaws] was the mental, emotional, social health (MESH) specialist on camp. If you ever had a problem you don't think your counselors can solve or help with, she encouraged campers to come talk to her.
"I'll keep that in mind," you say.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.7]] ]
"That's okay, (text-color:orange)[$name], there's a lot to get used to at camp. You let me know tomorrow how you're feeling and if we need to talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws] about it further, we can!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says.
You learned at Opening Night that (text-color:blue)[Jaws] was the mental, emotional, social health (MESH) specialist on camp. If you ever had a problem you don't think your counselors can solve or help with, she encouraged campers to come talk to her.
"I'll keep that in mind," you say.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.7]] ]"I miss my friends from home sometimes too, but then I think about all the fun stories I'll be able to tell them once I'm back from camp! You won't have any stories if you don't live in the moment while you're here!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says with a gentle smile.
"But, you let me know tomorrow how you're feeling and if we need to talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws] about it further, okay?"
You learned at Opening Night that (text-color:blue)[Jaws] was the mental, emotional, social health (MESH) specialist on camp. If you ever had a problem you don't think your counselors can solve or help with, she encouraged campers to come talk to her.
"I'll keep that in mind," you say.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.7]] ](text-color:#158e15)+(text-size:2)+(align:"=><=")[''Friday'']
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Goodmorning]] ]
It was a little hard to fall asleep, but once you were it wasn't too bad.
Your counselors wake you all up and after you brush your teeth and put on clothes for the day, they have you gather under the unit shelter for the day's schedule.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Schedule time|Schedule.2]] ]"Today's schedule is as follows," (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXX===")[(text-size:.75)[''8:00'' - Breakfast
''9:30 ''- STEM & Nature
''10:30'' - Swimming
''11:30'' - Outdoor Skills
''12:30'' - Lunch
''1:30'' - Badgework
''2:30'' - Showers
''4:30'' - Trading Post
''5:30'' - Singing Steps
''6:00'' - Dinner
''7:00'' - Swim Party
''9:00'' - Campfire
''10:00'' - Light's Out]]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Nice!]] ]
"Since we'll be swimming today, remember your swim suits and towels. We'll also be spending some time over at the (text-color:yellow)[Sport's Field] today, so be sure to put on your sunscreen!" (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says.
"It's currently 7:45 and we have to get up to the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] for breakfast soon. Be super quick and grab all your things!"
You and your cabinmates (text-color:grey)+(link:"walk quickly")[//as there is no running on camp except at the Sport's Field//] back to your cabin to grab your essentials for the day, and soon enough you're all ready under the unit shelter at 7:49.
You stand next to (text-color:orange)[Moon] in the buddy line, and walk with a brisk pace to get to breakfast on time.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.8]] ]
After breakfast is devoured, you meet up with your counselors in the program room of the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] where they have you refill your water bottles. Once full, you all begin the treck across the street to the (text-color:yellow)[Sport's Field].
You travel down the woodchip path from the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] towards the (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront], but this time your group takes a left at the fork instead of right. The sign you pass says "(text-color:yellow)[Welcome Center]", "(text-color:yellow)[Parking Lot]", and "(text-color:yellow)[Sport's Field]".
The woodchip path ends, and the trees open up to the (text-color:yellow)[Parking Lot] in front of the (text-color:yellow)[Welcome Center].
"This is where you guys checked in!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says, pointing at the (text-color:yellow)[Welcome Center].
Your group continues passed it, and across the street to a big open clearing.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Look around]] ]There's a path that leads further into some woods that follow a paved pathway. You wonder what could be back there.
Out in the field, there's a rockwall and a high-ropes course that you can see. Between them is section of blacktop that has a basketball net and a wooden octogon wall of sorts that (text-color:orange)[Stormy] said is for something called "Gaga ball".
Your counselors instead bring your unit to a covered pavillion with picnic tables underneath it. You can see someone walking around under the pavillion and they soon see you too.
"Hey friends! Welcome to STEM & Nature! I'm(text-color:blue)[Helmet], the STEM & Nature Lead, I'm excited to get to know you guys and do some nature stuff in nature!" she says.
You're not sure what that's supposed to mean, but the nature stuff you all do is pretty neat. You're a little sad when (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says it's time for swimming.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Time to swim]] ]"Welcome back to the (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront], friends." (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says once your unit gets there. "Go get changed and we can get you swimming ASAP!"
You change as quickly as you can. You're getting used to the sand a little bit, but it's still not something you want to stand in for too long.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Sections]] ](if: $swim is 1)[(display: "Shallow")]
(if: $swim is 2)[(display: "Middle")]
(if: $swim is 3)[(display:"Deep")]
(set:$found to 0)You're marked down as "shallow" in their rosters, so you go straight to the ''shallow'' section.
While you don't like sand between your toes usually, you don't mind it when it's on a beach next to a lake. The water isn't too cold either, so you take some time to relax in the shallow water.
(text-color:orange)[Cat] swims up to you at some point and asks if you'd like to build a sand castle with her. Soon enough you're carving out the moat around it.
You're about to put some pebble decorations on when (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle and tells you that it's time to get out and get dressed. You can't help but feel a little disappointed, but you and (text-color:orange)[Cat] pick up the sand-toys you used, and leave behind the castle you built.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.9]] ]"Since you passed the ''middle'' test," (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says, "you get to choose between the ''shallow'' and ''middle'' sections for this swim session!"
Where do you want to swim?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shallow.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Middle|Middle.1]] ]"Since you passed the'' deep'' test," (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says, "you get to choose between the ''shallow'', ''middle'', and ''deep'' sections for this swim session!"
Where do you want to swim?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shallow.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Middle|Middle.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Deep|deep.1]] ]Once changed, everyone makes their way back up towards the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] for Outdoor Skills.
Outdoor Skills ends up being closer to the (text-color:yellow)[Showerhouse] under a few pop-up tents. There's picnic tables underneath them, and someone setting up some ropes of varrying colors and sizes.
"Hi friends! I'm (text-color:blue)[Bumblebee], the Outdoor Skills Lead. Today we're going to be learning some knots!"
(text-color:blue)[Bumblebee] teaches us the square knot, the bowline, a timber hitch, and some others you can't remember. (text-color:orange)[Cat] seems to get the hang of them all first, so she helps you fugure them out. (text-color:orange)[Stormy] and (text-color:orange)[Moon] get a little help from (text-color:blue)[Bumblebee], but soon enough you've got them down!
"Now that you're all knot pros," (text-color:blue)[Bumblebee] says, "Would you guys want to do a competition? I say a knot and whoever does it properly first, wins!"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[I'm in!]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[No thanks|no thanks.1]] ]"No shame in the shallow game, (text-color:orange)[$name]. Have fun!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says.
While you don't like sand between your toes usually, you don't mind it when it's on a beach next to a lake. The water isn't too cold either, so you take some time to relax in the shallow water.
(text-color:orange)[Cat] swims up to you at some point and asks if you'd like to build a sand castle with her. Soon enough you're carving out the moat around it.
You're about to put some pebble decorations on when (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle and tells you that it's time to get out and get dressed. You can't help but feel a little disappointed, but you and (text-color:orange)[Cat] pick up the sand-toys you used, and leave behind the castle you built.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.9]] ]"Good choice, (text-color:orange)[$name]! Have fun!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says.
(text-color:orange)[Stormy] and (text-color:orange)[Moon] join you in the middle section shortly, and soon enough you all are playing a delightful game of Marco Polo.
Inbetween rounds, you guys stand on the bottom and chat a bit more and with each laugh, you get a little more comfortable with your unit.
You don't even notice time passing until (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle and says it;s time to get out and get dressed.
You can't help but feel a little disappointed.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.9]] ]"Do a few cannonballs for me off the raft! Have fun, (text-color:orange)[$name]!" (text-color:blue)[Gerald] says.
You make your way all the way down to the end of the pier.
Do you jump in or climb down the ladder?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Jump in]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Climb in]] ]You take a slight running start and cannonball into the deep end. (set: $found to it +1)
You feel the water FWOOSH in around you and you can't even feel the bottom once you're fully submerged.
You swim over to the raft and climb up its ladder just as (text-color:orange)[Stormy] gets into the deep end. The two of you hold a contest on who can make the biggest splash, and rock the raft every once and a while pretending you're surfers.
By the time (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle to signal the end of the session, you're out of breath from swimming and laughing. As you and (text-color:orange)[Stormy] make your way to the (text-color:yellow)[Changing Room], you're filled with excitement for the next swim session.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.9]] ]You slowly descend the ladder into the water, pausing a little when it hits your stomach.
The water isn't too cold, but its no bathtub either.
You bite the bullet and quickly submerge yourself instead of just standing on the ladder, and you can't even feel the bottom once you do.
You swim over to the raft, climb up its ladder, and look back at (text-color:blue)[Gerald] who is waiting for your first cannonball.
"Go ahead, (text-color:orange)[$name], show me what you've got!" they yell.
And so you do. Until (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle signalig it's time to get out, you do endless cannonballs, each a little different than the last. You can't help but feel a little sad as you get out of the water and go get changed - you had a great time.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.9]] ]"Epic!" (text-color:blue)[Bumblebee] says, gathering the knots she wants us to use.
"Okay, first pairing is (text-color:orange)[$name] and (text-color:orange)[Cat]!"
You and (text-color:orange)[Cat] assume your positions at a picnic table, and hold your ropes in your hands.
"Bowline!" (text-color:blue)[Bumblebee] shouts, and before you can even get your first loop around, (text-color:orange)[Cat] is finished.
(set:$found to it + 1)
You don't let the first loss discourage you though, and by the time (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says it's time for lunch, you've won 12 rounds. You never beat (text-color:orange)[Cat], but you always won over (text-color:orange)[Stormy], and sometimes over (text-color:orange)[Moon], so you considered yourself successful.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lunch time!]] ]"That's okay, (text-color:orange)[$name], competition isn't for everyone!" (text-color:blue)[Bumblebee] says.
You watch the rest of your unit compete, choosing who you're rooting for each round. (text-color:blue)[Poppy] breaks your focus though when they say its time for lunch.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lunch time!]] ]After lunch, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says you all will be going back to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] for some badgework.
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] explained that badgework was essential to helping you earn your "Pro Camper" badge (set: $badge to 0).
You walk alongside (text-color:orange)[Moon] on the way back to the unit, and wonder what "badgework" will entail.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Badgework]] ]Once at the unit, you gather around the picnic tables under the unit shelter, and (text-color:blue)[Poppy] explains that for badgework, you will have to make your own survival kit to take home. (set:$kit to 0)
"A proper survival kit for any camper should be in a secure container that will protect what's inside from the elements" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says. "Inside this kit should be (text-color:red)[4] things you think could be useful in a situation you may not already be prepared for, so keep that in mind when you're filling it! We've got a lot of options for things you can put inside, but not all of them are useful."
Your counselors dump out a bag of "Survival Kit" filling in front of you. You take a moment to look at what's all in front of you.
"You first have to pick out a container to keep it in" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says, and brings everyone over to where there are some plastic lock boxes, cloth zipper pouches, and something that looks like a big rubber coinpurse.
What do you choose for your survival kit?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Plastic Box]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Cloth Pouch]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Rubber Coinpurse]] ]
(set: $contents to 2)This will surely keep all the goodies you put inside safe and dry.
You now take a look at the pile of filling in front of you. You rummage around the pile and find some (text-color:red)[bandaids].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking]] ](set:$contents to 0)The design on the outside catches your attention. Now you know you won't lose it!
You now take a look at the pile of filling in front of you. You rummage around the pile and find some (text-color:red)[bandaids].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking]] ](set:$contents to 1)While it may not be the most practical choice, you think the rubber will help keep the contents dry... not to mention how fashionable of a camper you'd be.
You now take a look at the pile of filling in front of you. You rummage around the pile and find some (text-color:red)[bandaids].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking]] ](set:$kit to it +1)(set:$contents to it +1)You add the (text-color:red)[bandaids] to your kit.
(display:"Keep looking")You keep looking through the pile and find a little film canister filled with a mini (text-color:red)[tic-tac-toe game].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit|kit.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking|looking.1]] ](set:$kit to it +1)You add the (text-color:red)[tic-tac-toe game] to your kit.
(display:"looking.1")You keep looking through the pile and you find some (text-color:red)[safety pins].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit|kit.2]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking|looking.2]] ](set:$kit to it +1)(set:$contents to it+1)You add the (text-color:red)[safety pins] to your kit.
(display:"looking.2")You keep looking through the pile and you find a small (text-color:red)[miltitool].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit|kit2.5]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking|looking2.5]] ](set: $kit to it +1)(if:$kit = 4)[(go-to:"kit done")]You add the (text-color:red)[buttons] to your kit.
(display:"looking.4")You keep looking through the pile and find a pink (text-color:red)[bouncy ball].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit|kit.5]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking|looking.5]] ]"Finished your kit already, (text-color:orange)[$name]? Lets take a look" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|contents]] ]The last two things in the pile are a (text-color:red)[felt butterfly] and an old (text-color:red)[compass].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add butterfly|kit done.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add compass|kit done.2]] ](set: $kit to it +1)You add the (text-color:red)[bouncy ball] to your kit.
(display:"kit.5")(set:$kit to it +1)(set:$contents to it +1)You add the (text-color:red)[miltitool] to your kit.
(display:"looking2.5")You keep looking through the pile and you find some bright blue (text-color:red)[buttons].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Add to kit|kit.4]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Keep looking|looking.4]] ]"Hmm, it doesn't look like you've filled your box (text-color:orange)[$name]" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] says. "That's okay, let's see what you picked anyway." (set:$badge to it -1)
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|contents]] ](if:$contents = 6)[(go-to:"great success")
(if: 1 < $contents < 6)[(go-to:"good job")
(if:$contents = 1)[(go-to:"bruh")]After everyone's finished with their kits, your counselors tell you you won't be back to the unit again until the evening.
You're going to shower first, then head up to the (text-color:yellow)[Lodge] to go to the (text-color:yellow)[Trading Post] - the little camp gift shop. There's also a swim party after dinner, so you'll have to bring your swim stuff too.
You're not sure how you feel about swimming again after showering, but you pack your swim stuff anyway when you're back in your cabin.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Showers]] ]"WOW!" (text-color:blue)[Poppy] exclaims. "This is a perfect survival kit (text-color:orange)[$name]! You're on your way to finding your inner camper" (set: $found to it +1)(set:$badge to it +1)
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.10]] ]"Good job, (text-color:orange)[$name]! Of course there's always room for improvements, but I'm sure this kit will come in handy someday!" (set:$badge to it +1)
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.10]] ]"I don't think you really tried here, friend... and I wish you had." (set:$found to it -1)
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Next.10]] ](set:$kit to it +1)
(if:$kit < 4)[(go-to:"not done")]
(if:$kit = 4)[(go-to:"kit done")](set:$kit to it +1)(set:$contents to it +1)
(if:$kit < 4)[(go-to:"not done")]
(if:$kit = 4)[(go-to:"kit done")]The shower isn't warm, but it's not consistently cold either. The showerhead sputters, and every once and while it coughs cold water down your back.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Trading Post]] ]
After you wait for the rest of the unit ((text-color:orange)[Cat]) to finish showering, you make your way to the (text-color:yellow)[Trading Post].
You know you have (text-colour:red)[$20] in your backpack, so as you scan the shelves and see what there is to offer, a few things catch your eye.
A "Campada" sweatshirt ($20), a scented stuffed keychain ($10), and a book about the founding of Campada ($15).
You only really want one thing, but you're not sure what to choose...
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Sweatshirt]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stuffed keychain]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Campada book]] ](set:$found to it +1)(set:$chocie to "sweatshirt")(set: $choice to "cake")
It smells very strongly of "Birthday cake", which is interesting since it's a stuffed frog. You're content with your purchase nonetheless.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|dinner]] ](set:$found to it + 2)(set:$chocie to "book")You flip through the book and you learn that the camp was founded in 1924 and the woman who founded it had three dogs - Bonnie, Bruce, and Heather.
Maybe you'll read it more You all wait out at (text-color:yellow)[Singing Steps] until the dinner bell is rung, and meet (text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] there again after dinner.
"Alright friends," (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says, "I know we just showered, so if you don't want to swim at swim party tonight, don't feel like you have to!"
Once you're down the 69 steps to the (text-color:yellow)[Waterfront], you know how you're going to spend your swim party.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Swimming]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Not swimming]] ]You suddenly feel a chill in the air, and remember the sweatshirt you bought at the (text-color:yellow)[Trading Post]. The option of an extra layer is something you're glad you spent $20 on.You suddenly remember the Campada book you bought at the (text-color:yellow)[Trading Post], and decide to use this time to read more about the camp.
(set:$found to it +2)
Your favorite fact you learned was that the founder used her //birthday money// to initially purchase the camp grounds. You wish you had that much birthday money.
You put down the book and decide to take a quick nap before dinner. You suddenly remember the stuffed frog keychain you bought at the (text-color:yellow)[Trading Post]. More importantly, how strongly it smelled of Birthday Cake.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Speak up]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stay quiet]] ]"Are you going to swim?" you ask (text-colour:orange)[Cat].
"I'd like to!" she replies.
"Can I swim with you?"
(text-colour:orange)[Cat]'s eyes light up and she claps her hands in delight.
"Yes of course!!"
(set:$found to it +1)
And so the two of you spend your swim party wading in the shallow end. About halfway through, (text-colour:orange)[Stormy] and (text-colour:orange)[Moon] join you, and soon enough you all decide to make a neighborhood of sandcastles.
You're hardly ready to leave when (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle signaliaing the end of swim party.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|back to unit]] ]You decide to stay in the driness of the picnic table for tonight.
Not only did you just shower, but the sand between your toes is starting to irritate your skin... you'd rather not make that worse.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|back to unit]] ]After swim party, you and your unit travel down the paved path back to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] for the night. You barely recognize the unit at this time of night, and as you look into the woods surrounding it, you wonder what all could be out there.
Your counselors tell you can all get ready for bed a little earlier since it was a very busy day. You and your cabin mates don't mind at all though, you're also very tired. When you're in your units, you don't need to worry about the truddy system rule, but you still want to take a buddy with you when you go to brush your teeth tonight.
Something about coming back to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] with this little daylight makes you nervous. Thankfully, everyone has the same idea, so the four of you all get ready for the night together.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Night 2]] ]As you and your cabin mates walk back from the unlit bathrooms, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] calls to you all from the unit shelter.
"If you bought anything from the (text-color:yellow)[Trading Post] today that could attract animals overnight, please bring it to the unit shelter!"
"I just bought a log pillow, I'm not worried," (text-color:orange)[Moon] says with a smile. "But if I wake up to a raccoon in the cabin, I'm going to scream bloody murder."
That made //everyone// smile.
(if:$choice is "cake")[(display:$keychain)](if:$choice is "book" or "sweatshirt")[(display:"All good")]You know you didn't buy anything that would fit that description, and none of your fellow campers have either.
You sleep a little better knowing that you've all avoided attracting any unwanted fuzzy friends tonight. You hope the next night is just as peaceful.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Goodnight]] ]"I have something!" you say, rummaging through your backpack to bring the frog to the unit shelter.
You're not even there yet when (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] starts fanning the air in front of them. "Oh boy, that sure is strong! Good thinking, (text-color:orange)[$name], this probably would've made some critters hungry."
(text-color:orange)[Moon] seems to sigh with relief, as you all turn to head back to the cabin for the night.
You all fall asleep peacefully knowing sweet frog is safely inside the unit shelter.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Goodnight]] ]Despite being spooked by the darkness and depth of the woods around you, you're comforted with the knowledge that your cabin has a solid door on it.
You and your sweet frog will be just fine, for the night.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Goonight|smelly frog]] ](text-color:#158e15)+(text-size:2)+(align:"=><=")[''Saturday'']
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Goodmorning.1]] ]When you leave your cabin for the day, you see there's a layer of dew covering the grass. (if:$choice is "sweatshirt")[(display:"$sweatshirt")]
You meet the others under the unit shelter as (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] pulls out their binder to tell you all the schedule for the day.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|schedule.3]] ]You and your cabin mates all shake your heads and tell your counselors that you don't have anything to bring, and head to your cabin for the night.
Just to be safe, you put the sweet frog into your backpack and shoved it under your bed. Even if critters did come, they couldn't get into the cabin, much less your backpack.
You continue reassuring yourself of this as you drift off to sleep.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|rustle]] ]You're shocked awake at a sharp (text-size:3)+(text-color:red)[(text-style:"RUMBLE")[THUMP THUMP THUMP]] near your head.
What was that?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|uh oh]] ]You look around the cabin, your eyes still adjusting to being opened. You can't tell if anyone else is awake, and even if they were, no one also had reached for their flashlights yet.
You reach underneath your bed to get your flashlight out of your backpack when you hear a rustle come from the same direction the thumping was coming from.
Even more nervous now, you try to look outside through the windows in the cabin. You don't need to look very long before your eyes settle on a pointy-eared, masked face staring back at you.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[DON'TPANICDON'TPANICDON'TPANIC]] ]The raccoon takes a small step closer to the window of the cabin and smells the bottom of it. You let your eyes scan the floor, checking the latch that kept the window locked shut.
Your backpack was ontop of it, holding it shut.
Thank goodness.
You take a deep breath and laugh a little to yourself. It's just a raccoon after all - raccoons can't figure out doors, or windows, or latches, and you were silly to think they could. You and your sweet frog are perfectly fi -
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[shkshkshkshk]] ]Your thought is interrupted by the sound of the raccoon's claws gripping into the wooden frame of the window - your heart sinks to your stomach when you see it start to pull.
What do you do?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Scream]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stop the raccoon]] ](text-size:3)+(text-color:red)["RACOONRACCOONRACCONNNNNN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH']
The noise wakes up the whole cabin and soon everyone is screaming with you. None of them have seen the raccoon yet, but the idea of a raccoon at this hour is enough to scream about.
(text-color:orange)[Moon] flails her arms and jumps up and down, looking close to tears, (text-color:orange)[Cat] is frantically looking around her things to make sure the raccoon isn't in her bed, and (text-color:orange)[Stormy] keeps yelling "WHERE IS IT?".
All you can do is point at the window and the two black beady eyes that are slowly becoming clearer in the darkness.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|stormy]] ](set:$found to it +1)Taking action quickly, you slip out of bed and move your backpack away from the latch. You grab the latch as fast as you can, and to your horror, your backpack had knocked it open - your backpack was the only thing that kept the raccoon outside.
It was also the only reason the raccoon showed up in the first place...
but it's gone now and that's what mattered.
You look around and somehow, none of your cabin mates were disturbed by the ruckus. Just as your asking yourself how that could be, (text-color:orange)[Stormy] rolls over to her back and snores loud enough to wake up all of Campada.
That could be why.
But it's better than a raccoon scratching at your window, so you let (text-color:orange)[Stormy's] thunderous snores lull you back to sleep.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Goodnight]] ](text-colour:orange)[Stormy's] eyes quickly follows the direction you're pointing, and she jumps towards the windo -
You watch as (text-color:orange)[Stormy] doesn't reach for the window, but the //door handle//...
She flings it open and stomps down hard onto the wooden slab in front of the cabin. You and your cabinmates watch in awe as (text-color:orange)[Stormy] waves her arms above her head, and contunies stomping her feet until the black blob of fur that was at your window scurries off into the woods.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|whew]] ]
You grab your backpack and shove it ontop of the cubbies you keep your daily-use items in, and quickly walk back to the window to make sure it's locked now.
You and your cabin mates all return to your beds without discussion, until (text-color:orange)[Moon] breaks the silence.
"I can't believe you, (text-color:orange)[$name]."
You don't respond - you just roll over and face the cabin wall.
Hopefully everyone won't be that mad tomorrow. (set: $found to it-1)
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[(text-color:#158e15)+(text-size:2)+(align:"=><=")[''Saturday'']
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Bad morning]] ]There was a tension present this morning, and you know you're the cause of it.
When you leave the cabin to get ready for the day, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] walks over to you and asks you if you have anything to put in the unit shelter tonight.
You sheepishly hand over your sweet frog from your backpack, and join the others at the picnic tables - they all are sitting on the opposite side of the table.
You sit silently as (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] pulls out their binder to explain the day's schedule.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|schedule.4]] ](align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXX===")[(text-size:.75)[''8:00'' - Breakfast
''9:30 ''- Sports and Games
''10:30'' - Bau House
''12:30'' - Lunch
''1:30'' - Swimming
''3:30'' - Me time
''5:30'' - Cookout Dinner
''8:00'' - Campfire
''10:00'' - Light's Out]]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|bau]] ](align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXX===")[(text-size:.75)[''8:00'' - Breakfast
''9:30 ''- Sports and Games
''10:30'' - Bau House
''12:30'' - Lunch
''1:30'' - Outdoor Skills
''2:30'' - Me time
''5:30'' - Cookout Dinner
''7:00'' - Dance Party
''9:00'' - Campfire
''10:00'' - Light's Out]]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|bad]] ]"What's the (text-colour:yellow)[Bau House]?" you ask.
"It's our big arts and crafts building," (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says. You assume (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] must spend a lot of time there given their dyed hair and handmade keychains dangling from their backpack.
You look forward to the arts and crafts on the walk to Sports and Games at the (text-color:yellow)[Sport's Field]. You walk next to (text-color:orange)[Cat] on the way there, and she also seems excited about the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House].
You're all so excited you don't even mind the heat or sweat dripping down your back as you all play Gaga ball together. Sooner than you expected, you're time at the (text-color:yellow)[Sport's Field] is over, and you all giddly run back to your counselors and prepare for arts and crafts
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bau House]] ](display:"Piper")
Which craft do you want to do?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Friendship bracelets]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bead animals]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lanyards]] ]You don't know what the "(text-color:yellow)[Bau House]" is, but you don't ask either, not wanting to break the eerie silence of the unit.
You don't want to spend the whole day like this, but you also don't know if everyone's ready to talk to you yet - they haven't even had breakfast after all.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Talk to them]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stay silent]] ]You decide to smooth things over, so once (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] finishes explaining the day's schedule, you approach your cabimates like a dog with it's tail between its legs. (set:$found to it +1)
"I'm really sorry about last night guys," you sheepishly say. "I honstly didn't think it would be a problem... but I know I should've put it in the unit shelter. I hope you can forgive me."
Your cabinmates look to each other like they've already discussed your fate. Soon, everyone's eyes rest on (text-color:orange)[Moon].
She takes a deep breath and crosses her arms over her chest.
That doesn't give you confidence.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|forgiven]] ]You'll talk to them later, you'll make sure of it. You don't want to press to hard before breakfast, after all!
You walk next to (text-color:orange)[Cat] on the way to the (text-color:yellow)[Sport's Field] for Sports and Games, and she is completely silent the whole walk. Your counselors sense the tension between the group and try to make conversation, but no one really says much in response.
By the time you get to Sports and Games, you don't feel too well and ask to sit out for this activity. While the rest of the unit plays Gaga ball and jumps rope, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] comes over to you.
"Hey, (text-color:orange)[$name], I know today's a bit rough for you. Do you want to talk about anything that happened last night?"
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Talk to Poppy]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Stay silent|silent]] ]"I mean you didn't //know// the raccoon was going to smell it," she says, "but yeah, you should've put it in the unit shelter to begin with. You're forgiven, but I swear if it happens again tonight I will throw your duffle bag in the lake."
Even though you feel slightly threatened, you're glad you all can move passed this. Feeling much better, you now have to figure out what this (text-color:yellow)[Bau House] is.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|bau]] ]You feel tears well up in your eyes, and you recount the night's events to (text-color:blue)[Poppy] through blubbering sobs.
They put a hand on your shoulder and give you a gentle smile once you finished, and caught your breath again.
"I'm sure your cabinmates will understand if you apologize, it was an accident afterall. C'mon, let's go talk to them."
You wipe your eyes, and follow (text-color:blue)[Poppy] over to the others. "Hey friends, (text-color:orange)[$name] has something they'd like to say. Go ahead, (text-color:orange)[$name]..."
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|apology]] ]"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, (text-color:orange)[$name], but if this isn't figured out, we'll have to talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws] about it."
You know (text-color:blue)[Jaws] isn't a shark, despite what her name suggests, but you can't help but feel like you're going to get your head chomped off if you talk to people about last night.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Talk to Poppy]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Remain silent]] ]"I'm really sorry about last night guys," you sheepishly say. "I honstly didn't think it would be a problem... but I know I should've put it in the unit shelter. I hope you can forgive me."
Your cabinmates look to each other like they've already discussed your fate. Soon, everyone's eyes rest on (text-color:orange)[Moon].
She takes a deep breath and crosses her arms over her chest.
That doesn't give you confidence.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|forgiven.1]] ]"I'm just upset that you still kept that frog when I had already said I would scream," (text-color:orange)[Moon] says. "I'm scared of the woods... but only a little... and that was kinda scary..."
You kick at the imaginary pebbles in the grass and hang your head low. "I know, I was really scared too."
"And that's why I forgive you, because I know you wouldn't scare yourself on purpose." (text-color:orange)[Moon] says.
"I forgive you too," (text-color:orange)[Stormy] adds, and you take (text-color:orange)[Cat's] tight embrace to also mean forgiveness.
With that, you all collect your things, wipe any tears, and prepare for the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House]!
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bau House]] ]You hug your arms tight to your chest and stare at the ground.
You're not ready to talk about it yet... and the way your stomach is turning doesn't make you want to either.
"Okay, (text-color:orange)[$name]. We'll have to get to the bottom of this at some point, but I can tell right now is not that time." At that, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] returns to the others and tells them to collect their things - it was time to go to the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House].
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bau House|Bau House.1]] ](display:"Piper")
As you're considering the options given, you look to your cabin mates on the opposite side of the table...
The friendship bracelets don't seem like a good idea for you right now.
That leaves you with just //two// craft options then.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lanyards|lanyards]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bead animals|animals]] ]When you get to the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House], a dark-haired girl with a bow tattoo on her arm greets you with a smile and a wave.
"Hey friends, I'm (text-color:blue)[Piper], welcome to the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House]! I have a few options for projects today, and the best part is you can take everything home with you!"
You were already excited for arts and crafts, but (text-color:blue)[Piper] called them "//projects//" AND said you get to take them //home//! You figured you'd get to take them home, but hearing her say it is way better than just thinking it.
"I have string for lanyards, thread for friendship bracelets, and kits for bead animals for you guys to choose from," (text-color:blue)[Piper] says.(set:$found to it +2)
You turn to the rest of your cabin mates and ask them if they'd want to make matching friendship bracelets together.
To your delight they all say yes, and even ask (text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] to pick out some colors for each of you to use.
You and your cabin mates spend your time in the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House] singing along to the music (text-color:blue)[Piper] has playing, telling stories about each others home lives, and everything inbetween.
By the time your counselors tell you it's time for lunch, you've all finished at least 2 bracelets and can't stop laughing.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Lunch]] ]You walk over to where (text-color:blue)[Piper] set down the bead animal kits.
There's a frog, a fox, and a bear.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Frog]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Fox]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bear]] ](set: $found to it +1)
You walk over to the lanyard station and look through the huge tub of plastic lanyard string. Various colors look back at you, but you have no idea what to do with them.
A third hand soon joins you, and you look up to see (text-color:orange)[Cat] with a pair of scissors in the hand at her side.
"Could you show me how to do these?" you ask her.
"Yea, of course!" she replies. (set: $lanyard to "lanyard")
(text-color:orange)[Cat] and you pick out matching lanyard string, and she takes the time to walk you through each step of the process. You get the hang of it - after plenty of trail and error - and soon enough you're getting more string and learning how to do twists and zig zags, and you even
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Lunch]] ](set: $found to it +1)
You walk over to the lanyard station and look through the huge tub of plastic lanyard string. Various colors look back at you, but you have no idea what to do with them.
A third hand soon joins you, and you look up to see (text-color:blue)[Piper] with a pair of scissors in the hand at her side.
"Could you show me how to do these?" you ask her.
"Yea, of course!" she replies.
(text-color:blue)[Piper] and you pick out matching lanyard string, and she takes the time to walk you through each step of the process. You get the hang of it - after plenty of trail and error - and soon enough you're getting more string and learning how to do twists and zig zags.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|lunch]] ]You walk over to where (text-color:blue)[Piper] set down the bead animal kits.
There's a frog, a fox, and a bear.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Frog|frog]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Fox|fox]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Bear|bear]] ]After the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House], you and your unit pack up and head to lunch. You're all more excited about swimming again after it though.
Where will you swim this session?
(if: $swim = 1)[(go-to: "shal")]
(if: $swim = 2)[(go-to: "mid")]
(if: $swim = 3)[(go-to: "dep")](set: $a to "frog")You grab the frog kit and admire all the different greens in the box.
(display:"beaded")(set: $a to "fox")The fox's adorable pointy face steals your heart instantly.
(display:"beaded")(set: $a to "bear")You can't resist the cuddly brown bear's face looking back at you.
(display:"beaded")It's a little tricky to get the string through the beads properly once you've arranged them according to the kit's instructions, but you soon get the hang of it.
Your $a only looks half-crumpled instead of fully-crumpled though, so you're very satisfied with your new little buddy.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Lunch]] ]It's a little tricky to get the string through the beads properly once you've arranged them according to the kit's instructions. You struggle with the first few knots of the string too, despite learning knots yesterday in Outdoor skills.
You look up from your solitary table to see your other cabin mates making friendship bracelets together. Your stomach turns with a twinge of guilt - you're starting to think you should've talked to them by now.
You return to your $a and manage to finish it. It only looks half-crumpled instead of fully-crumpled, so you're satisfied with your craft choice.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|lunch]] ](set: $a to "frog")You grab the frog kit and admire all the different greens in the box.
(display:"Beaded")(set: $a to "fox")The fox's adorable pointy face steals your heart instantly.
(display:"Beaded")(set: $a to "bear")You can't resist the cuddly brown bear's face looking back at you.
(display:"Beaded")<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shal.1]] ]<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shal.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Middle|mid.1]] ]<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shal.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Middle|mid.1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Deep|dep.1]] ]You head to the shallow section for this swim session, and decide to look for shells with (text-color:orange)[Cat].
You quickly realize there aren't very many, but there //are// a lot of little pebbles along the shorline.
You spend your swim time collecting smoothed pebbles from the shoreline and diving in the shallow water to find some larger ones to pair each with. Soon enough, each of you have grown your own rock army.
The armies are just about to march into battle when (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle and signals the end of swim time. You and (text-color:orange)[Cat] sadly toss your army into the lake and hear them "plunk" beneath the surface.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Metime]] ]You head to the middle section and are soon met by (text-color:orange)[Moon].
"Wanna play the color game?" she asks.
To which you always say, yes. You each take turns cradeling each other like a baby, picking a color, then dunking the other if they guessed incorrectly.
By the time (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle, your stomachs hurt from laughing so much, yet again.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Metime]] ]You quickly make your way to the deep end and jump right in. (text-color:orange)[Stormy] soon joins you, and the two of you pretend to be mermaids the rest of the swim session.
Your tail is red with sparkles and you can control the weather, (text-color:orange)[Stormy's] tail is blue to green ombre and she can talk to all animals. Together you rule the lake from your raft-castle with pride, and it hurts to leave your people when (text-color:blue)[Gerald] blows their whistle ending your reign.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Metime]] ]<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shal.12]] ]<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shal.12]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Middle|mid.12]] ]<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Shallow|shal.12]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Middle|mid.12]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Deep|dep.12]] ]You head to the shallow section for this swim session, and decide to look for shells with (text-color:orange)[Cat].
You quickly realize there aren't very many, but there //are// a lot of little pebbles along the shorline.
You spend your swim time collecting smoothed pebbles from the shoreline and diving in the shallow water to find some larger ones to pair each with. Soon enough, each of you have grown your own rock army.
Your army has no one to fight, though, as (text-color:orange)[Cat] decided to build her own sand castle this time away from you.
Your stomach twists again, and you decide to get out and get changed. You meet (text-color:blue)[Poppy] at the picnic tables afterward.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|picnic table]] ]You head to the middle section and swim around by yourself for a few minutes.
(text-color:orange)[Cat], (text-color:orange)[Stormy], and (text-color:orange)[Moon] are all in the shallow end building a sand castle together.
There's a part of you that wants to join them, but you don't know what you'd say.
Your stomach twists again, and you decide to get out and get changed. You meet (text-color:blue)[Poppy] at the picnic tables afterward.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|picnic table]] ]You head to the deep section and swim around by yourself for a few minutes.
You try a few cannonballs twists off of the raft, but soon enough it's not fun all alone. Your eyes travel over to (text-color:orange)[Cat], (text-color:orange)[Stormy], and (text-color:orange)[Moon] - all in the shallow end building a sand castle together.
There's a part of you that wants to join them, but you don't know what you'd say.
Your stomach churns again, and you decide to get out and get changed. You meet (text-color:blue)[Poppy] at the picnic tables afterward.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|picnic table]] ]After swimming, you head back to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] for Me Time before cookout dinner. You're all pretty tired, it's been a long few days, so you're very glad you have some free time for yourself.
How do you want to spend it?
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Take a nap|Nap]] ]
(if: $choice is "book")[ (text-color:#158e15)[ [[Read a book|$book]] ] ]
(if: $lanyard is "lanyard")[ (text-color:#158e15)[ [[Lanyard|$lanyard]] ] ]You suddenly remember the extra lanyards you started at the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House], and decide to use this time to try out some new sizes and styles of lanyarding.
(set:$found to it +1)
You don't want to use all of your string yet, so you stop after you finish a twisted one. You pack away your lanyards and decide to take a quick nap before dinner. You decide to take a quick nap before dinner.
Well deserved.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|cookout]] ]"Can we talk to (text-color:blue)[Jaws]?" you ask.
"Of course, (text-color:orange)[$name]. We can have her come to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] during Me Time."
You nod your head and sit down next to (text-color:blue)[Poppy] on the bench, waiting for your cabin mates to finish swimming and changing.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[metime]] ]After the (text-color:yellow)[Bau House], you and your unit pack up and head to lunch. You're more excited about swimming again after it though.
Where will you swim this session?
(if: $swim = 1)[(display:"shal.11")]
(if: $swim = 2)[(display:"mid.11")]
(if: $swim = 3)[(display:"dep.11")](set: $badge to it +1)For cookout dinner, you make pizza pudgie pies - two pieces of bread with pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni between them.
You've never had them before, but you quite enjoy the simplicity; Yours was a little burnt. (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] said:
"a true camper may not always cook their food perfect every time, but they truly appreciate the times it is"
You feel very appreciative at this moment.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|back]] ]
Once you all return to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer], (text-color:blue)[Poppy] asks everyone to stay ay the unit shelter. It isn't long before (text-color:blue)[Jaws] shows up on a golf cart and joins you all.
"Hey friends. Who wants to start us off and talk about what happened last night? Your counselors have told me what they know, but they weren't there, so I want to hear it from you guys." she says.
Everyone seems to look at you to answer.
<hr>(Text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|spill]] ]You take a deep breath and carefully recount the night in as much detail as you can think of. By the end, you have tears down your cheeks, and your breathing is shakey.
"Thank you, (text-color:orange)[$name]. I appreciate you sharing your feelings and your perspective." (text-color:blue)[Jaws] says. She takes her time asking everyone their perspectives of the night and how they felt during it all. By the time everyone has shared, everyone is a little teary-eyed.
"Do we all think we've reached an understanding of last night?" (text-color:blue)[Jaws] asks gently, to which the group responds with nods. "Awesome. Let's have everyone go around and say one thing they'll do tonight to make it better than last night."
When it's your turn, you know exactly what to say...
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|silly]] ]"I'm not going to bring any more sweet frogs into the cabin."
This makes everyone laugh, and as (text-color:blue)[Jaws] says her goodbyes and leaves, you, (text-color:orange)[Cat], (text-color:orange)[Moon], and (text-color:orange)[Stormy] all give each other a big hug and agree - no more sweet frogs.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Cookout]] ](set: $badge to it +1)For cookout dinner, you make pizza pudgie pies - two pieces of bread with pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni between them.
You've never had them before, but you quite enjoy the simplicity; Yours was a little burnt. (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] said:
"a true camper can't tell the difference burnt and not burnt, and if they can, they don't care"
Do //you// care?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Yes]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[No]] ]You care. (set:$found to 0)
You care quite a lot.
But you chuckle to yourself and finish it anyway, not wanting to throw it away in case //that// could also attract raccoons.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|back]] ](set: $found to it +1)You really don't mind. The burnt bits are overpowered by the sauce anyway, so there's no need to mind.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|back]] ]Once everyone has finished eating their pizza pudgie pies, (text-color:blue)[Poppy] brings out supplies for s'mores.
How many do you want?
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[None]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[1]] ]
(text-color:#158e15)[ [[2]] ](set: $found to it - 1)"I'm still full from the pudgie pie!" you say, holding your stomach as if you were pregnant.
You feel like you're betrarying your inner camper, but you watch everyone else make theirs and sit on a bench around the fire instead.
You think you could've had at least one.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|final]] ]
(set: $found to it +1)"Just one for me, please," you say.
You roast your marshmallow exactly how you like it, and when you press it between the ghram cracker and chocolate it oozes with a satisfying smoothness.
It's sugar perfection is just enough to fill your tummy, but just short of being enough.
You always long for more s'mores.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|final]] ](set: $found to it +2)"TWO SMORES FOR ME PLEASE!!" you eagerly shout, jumping up and down.
You definitely dont //actually// need two, but in your heart and soul you do.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|final]] ]After everyone makes their s'mores, you all spread out across the benches around the firepit.
(text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] join you soon after.
"For tonights final debrief, how about everyone go around and say their favorite part of camp!" (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] says.
You go last, so you have plenty of time to think of your answer when they finally ask "What was your favorite part, (text-color:orange)[$name]?"
My favorite part was...(input: bind $part)
<hr>(text-color: #158e15)[ [[Next|finally]] ]"My favorite part was $part" you say.
With that, everyone gets ready for your final night at Campada.
<hr>(text-color:#158315)[ [[Goodnight|Sunday]] ](text-color:#158e15)+(text-size:2)+(align:"=><=")[''Sunday'']
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Goodmorningg]] ]The morning goes very quickly and you honestly don't recall much order to it at all.
You had breakfast, then returned to (text-color:yellow)[Trailblazer] to pack up to go home.
You say goodbye to (text-color:orange)[Cat], (text-color:orange)[Stormy], and (text-color:orange)[Moon], then (text-color:blue)[Poppy] and (text-color:blue)[Bobbin] before you leave.
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[Next|Final Stats]] ](if: $found = 0)[(go-to: "major loser")]
(if: $found > 11)[(go-to:"major winner")]
(if: 0 < $found < 12)[(go-to:"winner")]You did not find your inner camper on this trip, but you definitely made some memories along the way.
(if: $badge > 0)[(display: "badge")]
(if: $badge < 1)[(display: "no badge")]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[End|Title]] ]You didn't just find your inner camper on this trip.
You //are// the Pro camper.
(if: $badge > 0)[(display: "badge")]
(if: $badge < 1)[(display: "no badge")]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[End|Title]] ]
You're unsure if you really found your inner camper or not.
(if: $badge > 0)[(display: "badge")]
(if: $badge < 1)[(display: "no badge")]
<hr>(text-color:#158e15)[ [[End|Title]] ]You also earned your Outdoors badge!You also did not earn your Outdoors badge.