Welcome to a number guessing game!
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. You will be asked to guess it.
I will tell you if your guess is higher or lower than the number I've chosen.
You win by guessing my number!
[[Let's Play!!]]I'm thinking of a number 1-100...
Take a guess!
(set: $guesses to it + 1)
(set: $guess to (prompt: "Take a guess!", "0"))
(set: $guess to (num: $guess))
(if: $num < $guess)[(go-to: "high")]
(if: $num > $guess)[(go-to: "low")]
(if: $num is $guess)[(go-to: "win")](random: 1, 100)
(set: $num to (random: 1, 100))
(go-to: "Welcome")too low
try again:
[[Let's Play!!]] too high
try again
[[Let's Play!!]] GOOD GUESS!!
The number was $num!
Only took you this many guesses: $guesses
[[Play again?|Welcome]]